
Chair: Dr. Ashley Sterrett

Co-Chairs: Dr. Henry Averns

Members: Dr. Felix Leung

Terms of Reference:

The purpose of the ORA Communications Committee is to provide timely, pertinent information to our members and to provide access to resources relevant to Ontario rheumatologists. This is a standing committee whose scope, responsibilities and authority will include development and maintenance of the ORA website, publication of newsletters, sending emails for time-sensitive or important matters, upkeep of the EAP forms, promoting ORA activities, and other communications related affairs that may arise. The committee will consist of the committee chair and other chair appointed members and will report to the ORA executive and board of directors. External consultants and contractors will be hired as needed. Ad hoc and advisory subcommittees may also be created as needed. Collaboration with other committees will be expected. Formal review will be done annually including outcomes, finances, and planned projects. The budget request will be made annually. Meetings and teleconferences will occur as required at the discretion of the chair with agendas and participants determined by the issues at hand. Communications outside of meetings will be conducted primarily by phone or email