The migration has begun! No, we’re not talking about Canada geese, Pacific salmon, or monarch butterflies. It is our website that is migrating from the old platform to a brand new WordPress platform.
We currently use the ExpressionEngine system to manage our website’s content. It has served us well for many years. Unfortunately, its popularity has withered and there is now much less support available and fewer applications.
WordPress is now the most popular website content management system. Accordingly, there is wide community support, as well as plenty of third party developers. By migrating to WordPress, we will have the tools we need to keep our website modern, updated, and secure.
This project is well underway with many exciting changes in the works. There will be major modifications made to the home page to improve the organization and presentation of information. The existing newsletter website will also be merged into the new site. The site will be easier to navigate and will have a contemporary look.
In partnership with the ORA Emerging Rheumatologists of Ontario committee, there will also be a Peer Mentor Portal. This is an online communications suite of applications including messaging and a discussion forum. This will be available to all ORA members.
The launch date for the new website will be in March 2019. Keep an eye on You will notice a lot of changes coming and I guarantee they will amaze you!