The ORA recently established The Emerging Rheumatologists of Ontario Committee. Chaired by Dr. Thanu Ruban, the goal of this Committee is to provide support to early career rheumatologists who are ORA members and within 5-7 years of practice. Two strategic initiatives are being implemented:
1. Peer Mentor Program wherein interested emerging rheumatologists (Mentees) will be partnered with experienced rheumatologists (Mentors) who will provide guidance and advice around setting up a successful practice as well as hurdles while in practice.
2. ERO Grant Program: this program will promote early career rheumatologist attendance at the ORA AGM by offering grants to offset costs
As details of the program are finalized, we ask our membership (young and mature) for input. Below is a link to a very short survey. Please take the time to respond to it so that we may develop a service that best meets the needs of our membership.
Survey Link:
Thank you for your participation!