Thank you for reading the ORA Winter 2021 newsletter. This sure seems like a long, cold, dreary winter so far but there are exciting things happening in the rheumatology community. This newsletter certainly attests to that. Please take a minute to read these articles.
Our website is continuously updated with relevant news items and practice tools. Most of these are on our front page in the News section. However there is further information in the Members area so log in and have a look in the Resource section. These include a COVID-19 vaccine letter template for patients and billing tools.
We also have been sending emails about the most important updates. We try to limit the number of emails we send as I know too many messages lead to email fatigue. So go ahead and unsubscribe from Groupon, Perkopolis and UberEats, but please pay attention to our emails.
I hope all of you have been coping well during these challenging times. It’s hard to tune out all the bad things happening but I think it’s worthwhile to take a mental break and turn off the news. I have taken the opportunity to re-connect with old friends virtually, try out some new recipes, and get outside and do some physical activity safely. Let’s all stay positive together.
Last but not least, I’d like to welcome Dr. Ashley Sterrett to the Communications Committee. Yay Ashley! She is a rheumatologist in Ottawa and she was recently interviewed by Arthritis Consumer Experts (ACE) about the growing shortage of rheumatologists in Canada. You can see the interview here: