- This is my last one!
ORA must pay attention to Canada’s medication system since it is acknowledged that drugs are right up there in importance with Doctors and Hospitals.
Well, the Throne Speech noted more talk on the potential introduction of a National Pharmacare Program as recommended in the 1997 National Forum on Health followed by senate committee reports etc., etc.
Drug costs are still an issue and the Feds would like to follow the late John Turner’s success in lowering drug costs. However, PMPRB has come under great criticism and pressure from IMC and others with the concern that new drugs will not be launched or greatly delayed in Canada due to restrictions on pricing.
Further, President Trump’s Importation initiative of Canadian drugs will result in serious and quick drug shortages in Canada. Health Canada and the Multi-Stakeholder Steering Committee on Drug Shortages are doing their best to address this inappropriate initiative. The US should deal with their drug costs like every other industrialized country.
The pCPA has brought about great cooperation and collaboration among the provincial and territorial drug programs.
The proposed introduction of a Drug Agency would hopefully align the various activities of Health Canada, CADTH, PMPRB and pCPA and all their various internal committees.
An incredible amount is happening with the ORA Board and their committees and I suggest that every member simply review the Sept 17 ORA Board agenda to get an appreciation of the amount of work being done by your colleagues.
As I leave the ORA as your Executive Director I can assure you that it has been a real honour to work with so many of you that are unbelievably patient focussed. Having worked with and engaged with a number of medical associations it is my observation that the ORA is the most progressive and action oriented Medical Association in Canada. The ORA Board and Committee members confront issues that impact patients and take the time to stick handle them to a successful conclusion. It takes relationship building and staying at the table. Things don’t just happen – people make them happen and that’s what ORA members do. The ORA clearly operates under the banner of “doing the right thing for the right reasons”.
For anyone wishing to extend their well wishes to Denis, his email address remains unchanged (or contact Sandy Kennedy!)