The ORA offers its support of the new revised OMA policy on Physical Distancing. In particular we support the revised guidance for “Physical Distancing and Social Isolation” which makes even more explicit the need for people to stay at home. This is in keeping with our previous call for more strict distancing to limit the spread of COVID-19.
Please download and read the OMA Fact Sheet here:
Physical Distancing and Social Isolation
Furthermore, the ORA supports the joint OMA, RNAO and OPA Statement on the Use of Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin for COVID-19 Prophylaxis.
Please read the full statement here:
or here:
JOINT MESSAGE (online but requires OMA log in)
Of note the statement includes:
- “…any treatment – particularly for COVID-19 – needs to be evidence-based. At this time, there is a serious lack of evidence that categorically supports the widespread use of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin.” and
- “Due to the recent yet-to-be-proven claims of effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine sulfate against COVID-19 and the growth in prescribing for it, we are now faced with a very serious shortage (and some brands, outages) of the product.”