Health Canada and Biosimilar Drugs – Important Information for Healthcare Professionals

The following notice was received by the ORA from Health Canada on December 3, 2018:

Health Canada’s Biologics and Genetic Therapies Directorate is asking healthcare professionals who prescribe, dispense or administer biologic drugs to complete a questionnaire regarding biosimilars.  Specifically, the questionnaire is intended to identify:

1)            Topics you want more information on relating to Health Canada’s role in authorization and post-market monitoring of biosimilars; and

2)            Type of tools that would be most useful to you in your practice and to your patients.

Please forward this questionnaire to other healthcare professionals who would also be interested in completing it.

The results of this questionnaire will be used to develop materials and tools which will provide more tailored information to healthcare professionals and patients about the regulation of biosimilars.

This questionnaire will be available until December 21, 2018, and it will take about 5 minutes to complete.

Please be assured that your responses will be treated in complete confidence – no individuals will be identified in any way. For more information on Health Canada’s Privacy Policy, please visit

Please complete the questionnaire by clicking on the following link:

Health Canada’s Biologics and Genetic Therapies Directorate is asking healthcare professionals who prescribe, dispense or administer biologic drugs to complete a questionnaire regarding biosimilars.  Specifically, the questionnaire is intended to identify:


1)            Topics you want more information on relating to Health Canada’s role in authorization and post-market monitoring of biosimilars; and

2)            Type of tools that would be most useful to you in your practice and to your patients.

Please forward this questionnaire to other healthcare professionals who would also be interested in completing it.

The results of this questionnaire will be used to develop materials and tools which will provide more tailored information to healthcare professionals and patients about the regulation of biosimilars.

This questionnaire will be available until December 21, 2018, and it will take about 5 minutes to complete.

Please be assured that your responses will be treated in complete confidence – no individuals will be identified in any way. For more information on Health Canada’s Privacy Policy, please visit



Please complete the questionnaire by clicking on the following link:

Thank you for your participation!

Additional Information:

We have also attached a document containing web links to information on the regulation of biosimilars at Health Canada, as well as a list of authorized biosimilars with links to their Summary Basis of Decision documents.

Thank you for your participation!


Additional Information Link