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OMA agreement: How will it affect you?

ORA Newsletter Winter 2013

OMA Update

Our new contract runs until March 2014. It is an improvement on the government’s threatened unilateral changes. The main changes impacting on rheumatology are:
1. An across the board 0.5% reduction in all fees effective April 1, 2013.
2. A delisting of injection fees associated with viscosupplementation injections, effective January 1, 2013. These will now have to be billed directly to patients.
3. Gradual increases in the portion of annual CMPA fees payable by physicians over the next 10 years, rising to $1100 in 2014 and to $1325 by 2023.
4. Changes in laboratory testing order forms, and coverage of certain lab tests. In particular, AST should no longer be ordered for routine monitoring of medication toxicity.
5. Restoration of the C101 premium for visits in an ICU/CCU setting, effective April 1, 2013.
For further information, consult the OMA website www.oma.org or the Ministry of Health website at www.health.gov.on.ca under the Health Professionals section, where the entire Schedule of Benefits can be viewed and downloaded, as well as all OHIP Bulletins concerning these changes.

Philip Baer
Chair, OMA Section on Rheumatology