ORADE Grants Are Back!

The mandate of the Ontario Rheumatology Association Development and Education Committee (ORADE) is to support ORA members and AHP colleagues in their professional development by offering educational grants.  Following a 2-year pause due to the pandemic, we are pleased to offer educational grants for 2023.

The grants are available to ORA members* and licensed AHPs working in a rheumatology setting to attend ANY international scientific rheumatology meeting or international course. Here is how the grants will be allocated:

International Scientific Meetings:
– 4 rheumatologists and 1 AHP to attend ANY 2023 international scientific meeting. Successful candidates will receive up to $5,000 CDN each

International Rheumatology-Related Courses:
– 4 rheumatologists and 1 AHP to attend ANY 2023 international rheumatology-related course. Successful candidates will receive up to $2,500 CDN each

The deadline to apply is November 30, 2022.

To download an application form, please use this link: Application Form

To review the travel guidelines, please use this link: ORADE Travel Guidelines

*ORA Executive Officers and Board of Director members are not eligible to apply.