The ORA’s third party payers committee met with representatives from the panCanadian pharmaceutical alliance and the Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association in Toronto on May 14, 2018 to discuss creating panCanadian biologic criteria for both initiation and renewal of biologics. This would result in the same criteria for approvals and renewals regardless of location, occupation or payer and would lead to seamless transfer of biologic payment for patients as well as clarity for providers. The meeting was very productive and we look forwards to working both with governments and insurance companies towards this important goal. Given the reach of both pCPA and CLHIA, this would be a national strategy and would be the first of its kind in any treatment area. More news to come when available!
The ORA’s executive members are the core contributors to the newsletter. The ORA welcomes guest contributions to the newsletter from members-at-large and others in the rheumatology community.