The Arthritis Alliance of Canada (AAC) is pleased to launch the 3rd round of the Research Awards Program and announce the 2018 “Call for Applications”. The program was intended to nationally recognise high quality research by: (1) formally acknowledging the outstanding contributions of patient partners and scientists; (2) helping researchers in competing for and participating in national grants and programs in arthritis research; and (3) providing opportunities to highlight arthritis research via media releases.
This year, AAC will provide up to eight awards, valued at $750 CAD/award. Please note: an Early Career Researcher/Early Career Faculty Member/Investigator) award has now two sub-categories: 1) Basic science/Clinical Science; and 2) Health Science/Population Health):
1) Masters Student
2) PhD Student
3) Post-doctoral Fellow
4) Early Career Researcher (Early Career Faculty Member/Investigator) in: Basic/Clinical Science
5) Early Career Researcher (Early Career Faculty Member/Investigator) in: Health Science/Population Health
6) Knowledge Translation Research (all career levels)
7) Knowledge Translation Practice (all career levels)
8) Patient for Active Engagement in Arthritis Research
An overview of the AAC Research Awards Program, the accompanying application forms and criteria are attached to this email and available at:
Application Deadlines:
Complete applications must be received to AAC office: by Tuesday, June 26, 2018 (midnight ET), no exceptions.
Decisions will be announced Wednesday, November 21st, 2018 at the AAC Annual Meeting in Toronto, Ontario.